Research summary


Massa is a layer 1 blockchain that aims to scale transactions by parallelizing blocks.

Project summary

Massa limits parallelization based on the average bandwidth available to a node in a decentralized network. The blockchain uses a directed acyclic graph (DAG) to synchronize different threads. Massa combines parallel block structures with fragmented transactions to avoid duplicate transactions. Nodes store the balance of each address in a local ledger to verify transaction senders without having to search for old transactions.

The project offers rewards and incentives to nodes for appropriate behaviors and penalties for protocol deviations.

the team behind Massa has experience in Tezos and has created a blockchain from scratch and will be open source.



Excellent diverse team. the three founders all have an PHD in different science fields. They have surrounded themselves as well with experts of the blockchain ecosystem, and always look for the best people top deal with any shortcomings.

  • Sébastien Forestier
    CEO. PhD in Artificial Intelligence AT Inria. He and his team got the 2nd prize of demonstrations at the NIPS 2016 conference in Barcelona, Spain
  • Damir Vodenicarevic
    Founder and CTO. PHD: accelerating AI with spintronics
  • Adrien Laversanne
    CSO. Ph.D. in quantum physics from Université Paris Diderot

Investors & partners

Advisors and backers: Some well know names like Frédéric Bonelli (from Cointribune) are backing Massa. as well as groups used to invest in blockchain projects such asAriane Capital, Acequia Capital (AceCap), Ariane Capital, Andarunce Ventures, ZBS Capital, Dascof, Numeos, BlueYard, Bpifrance and Aussie Capital.

Some big names are to be included during the next months.




Layer 1


Highest Nakamoto decentralization Coefficient

  • Low tech requirements for runing a node
  • One-click approach fro running a node

New angle to solve the blockchain trilemma

  • Sharded approach
  • Multithreaded approach
  • Scaled
  • Private rounds: 11.78%


  • Autonomous Smart Contracts
  • RUST at the core of the blockchain
  • Retro-compatible with EVM based projects (Solidity)
  • WS Lambda, WASM & Python coding approach for developers, allowing to target a wider pool for new projects than other blockchains

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TGE: Q3 2023