Minima is a blockchain complete, quantum resistant and secured by every single one of its users. It enables direct and secure value or information exchange without third party interference. Every user is a constructing and validating node, eliminating the need for financial incentives to construct the chain. The Minima Protocol will be complete at launch, critical parts of the protocol for consensus will not require changes. It's censorship-resistant and quantum secure.
Fully doxxed core team, consisting of 30+ team members.
Investors: Blockchange Ventures, DEX Vnetures, GSR, SMO Capital, AGE Crypto Asset Investment Fund
Volvo. Innovation centre for global car group (6 brands). Every vehicle runs its own node. Enable secure auditable communication for V2V & V2X.
WeTransfer: NFT Marketplace.Global file sharing enterprise with 80M+ monthly active users. With Minima an NFT can be minted at the point of content genesis on any device.
Store of Value
The $MINIMA coin can be used as a store of wealth over time.
$MINIMA will be required to create custom tokens or NFTs on the Minima blockchain. You can create billions of coins with a fraction of a $MINIMA token. Use cases for custom tokens and NFTs are unlimited and defined by the creator.
MiniDapps (Decentralized applications
They have unlimited potential uses: Payments, DeFi (Decentralized finance), DEXs, DAOs, Gaming, Voting, Funding, Social Media...
Quantum security
Minima uses the Keccak hash algorithm with a hash strength of 256, considered to be post-quantum sufficient by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
TW: 27.2k Followers
DC: 87.8k Members
TGE: 2nd March 2023