Research summary


Nillion is fast, permissionless, decentralized computation

Project summary

The Nillion network is the first fully decentralized, trustless, and permissionless multi-party computing network that has the potential to transform the way data is stored, authenticated, and interacted with by blockchains, governments, consumers, and institutions. It addresses a major drawback of blockchain technology by introducing Nil Message Compute (NMC), a novel mathematical solution.

These nodes function as a secure, private, and chain-agnostic processing layer that aims to enhance existing blockchains and solve the "blockchain trilemma", while also serving as a public utility provider for both web2 and web3 entities.

Alongside the development of blockchain technology, Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) was also created. SMPC is a cryptographic protocol that splits an algorithm across multiple parties where no individual party can access the data of others, resulting in an unbreakable Information-Theoretic Security (ITS) system. However, SMPC has not been widely adopted due to its slow performance, with a single transaction often taking several hours or even days to finalize.

Nillion solves this performance issue with NMC, which is not just a traditional blockchain or SMPC protocol. NMC allows Nillion to provide fast, scalable, interoperable, private, secure (ITS), and permissionless decentralized information storage and computation, achieving speeds comparable to client-server systems.



  • Alex Page
    CEO. He is an ex-Goldman Sachs investment banker and Hedera SPV General Partner. Founded Flag First Capital and co-founded two other companies: Weekday Warriors and Sports food nutrition. He also worked for Goldman Sachs
  • Miguel de Vega
    Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer. He is the inventor of Nillion and has authored 30+ global patents. PhD in machine learning. Also he has co-founded 4 startups
  • Andrew Masanto
    Chief Strategy Officer. He was Chief Marketing Officer and started two of the top 100 cryptocurrencies (Hedera Hashgraph and Reserve)
  • Conrad Whelan
    Chief Technical Officer. He was the Founding Engineer of Uber. Founding partner at Spirit River Atlas, board member at PK Sound and Executive at Hodgee Films Inc.
  • Slava Rubin
    Chief Business Officer. Slava was the Founder of Indiegogo
  • Andrew Yeoh
    Chief Marketing Officer. He is an ex-UBS/Rothschild investment banker and Hedera SPV Genral Partner. also he founded Sedicii and co-founded Kyckr. He was part of the original management team at Dell

Investors & partners

Nillion has raised $20M in seed round, being oversuscribed by $14M

: Distributed Global, GSR, Big Brain Holdings, Hashkey, Chapter One Ventures, AU21 Capital, OP Crypto, Hashkey, SALT Fund....



  • Secure processing layer
  • Secure, public network for storage and use of private information
  • Multichain wallets
  • Private smart contracts
  • MetaLayer to enhance and connect different blockchains
  • Authetincation service
  • Interoperability and cross-chain computation solutions
  • DAO tools

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